How to Eat Pomegranate: Exotic Mediterranean Fruits

The first exotic tropical fruit we decided to eat was the pomegranate. Since my girlfriend has a Lebanese background she suggested this Mediterraneans exotic treat. The health benefits include Vitamins C and B along with a plethora of antioxidants and other things I can’t pronounce. Its a bright red fruit with little delicious seeds inside. The big question is how do you eat the darn thing. Here is a video of our pathetic attempt on how to deseed a pomegranate. (more…)

October 6, 2007 at 10:25 pm Leave a comment

Tropical Fruits: The Adventure Begins

The Tropical Fruits Challenge

I like to think that I am an adventurous eater, however, moving to California made me realize how sheltered I have been when it comes to trying tropical fruits. Originally I am from the East Coast Suburbia where I thought a Kiwi was as exotic as it gets. San Francisco, on the other hand, has so many ethnic backgrounds that every supermarket and corner store is stock full of tropical fruits and vegetables I have never heard of. I decided that this blog is the best way to keep track of the different exotic fruit that I will be trying. My resolution is to search exotic fruits to pick some of the most unusual and weird fruit around and share my experience with you. I will review the fruits and describe the different ways to eat them.


September 28, 2007 at 6:20 am Leave a comment


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